Old Public Administration in Indonesia

Public Administration is the study and practice of how public policies and programs are managed and implemented in the public sector. It is a multidisciplinary field that covers a wide range of topics from economics and law to political science and public policy. In Indonesia, the practice of public administration has changed over time, from the days of the Dutch colonial government to the modern government of today.

The Dutch Colonial Period

Before Indonesia gained its independence in 1945, the country was under Dutch colonial rule. During this period, the Dutch implemented a strict system of public administration. Laws and regulations were implemented by the Dutch colonial government and their appointed officials, who had complete control over the public administration in Indonesia. This system was very rigid and was designed to maintain the power of the Dutch colonial government.

The Dutch colonial government also implemented a form of indirect rule in the form of local government councils. This system allowed the Dutch to maintain control over the local government while also allowing the local people to have some degree of autonomy. This system was heavily criticized by the Indonesian people, as it was seen as a form of oppression.

The Transition to Independence

After Indonesia declared its independence in 1945, the country went through a period of transition. During this time, the public administration system was reformed to fit the needs of the newly formed democracy. Laws and regulations were established to ensure the functioning of the new government and the protection of citizens’ rights. The Indonesian government also implemented a system of local government councils, which allowed for more autonomy for local areas and allowed for more direct participation in the decision-making process.

The transition to independence also brought about an overhaul of the public administration system. The newly formed government implemented a system of decentralized governance, which allowed for more autonomy for local governments and allowed for more direct participation in the decision-making process. This system was seen as a positive step forward for the Indonesian people and was a major factor in the success of independence.

The Modern Era of Public Administration

Today, the public administration system in Indonesia is much different than it was during the colonial period. The government has implemented a system of decentralized governance, which has allowed for more autonomy and direct participation by local governments. Laws and regulations are now more flexible and are designed to protect citizens’ rights while also ensuring the functioning of the government. The Indonesian government has also implemented a system of public service delivery, which allows for more efficient delivery of services to the public.

The public administration system in Indonesia is still undergoing changes and reforms. The government is constantly working to ensure that the system is up-to-date and effective in meeting the needs of the people. The government has also implemented various programs and initiatives to ensure that the public administration system is able to meet the needs of the people and to ensure that the country is able to continue to develop and grow.


Public administration in Indonesia has changed drastically over the years. From the days of the Dutch colonial government to the modern government of today, the public administration system has been reformed and modernized to ensure that the country is able to meet the needs of its citizens and to ensure that the country is able to continue to develop and grow. The Indonesian government is constantly working to ensure that the public administration system is up-to-date and effective in meeting the needs of the people.