Third Kamikaze: The Unforgettable History of the Japanese Suicide Squad

The Third Kamikaze was a unique unit of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. It was made up of volunteers who were willing to give their lives for the Emperor and the Empire. The Third Kamikaze was the only unit in the whole war that used suicide tactics as part of its strategy. The members of the Third Kamikaze were known as the “Divine Wind”, after the legendary typhoon that saved Japan from Mongol invaders in the 13th century.

The Third Kamikaze was created in October 1944 as a response to the Allied forces that were advancing on the Japanese mainland. The unit was made up of experienced pilots from the Japanese Navy and Army, as well as some students from the Naval Academy. The unit was given the task of defending the Japanese homeland against the overwhelming Allied forces.

The Third Kamikaze used a type of suicide attack known as “Kamikaze”. The pilots would fly their planes directly into the enemy ships, sacrificing their own lives in the process. The unit was very successful in its mission, sinking dozens of Allied ships and planes. The attacks were so successful that they even managed to slow down the Allied advance.

The Third Kamikaze was widely praised in Japan for its bravery and dedication. The pilots were seen as heroes and were given a special memorial service after their deaths. The unit also inspired other Japanese soldiers to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

The Third Kamikaze was disbanded in August 1945, shortly after the surrender of Japan. The unit had lost over one thousand pilots during the course of the war. The memories of the Third Kamikaze will live on in the hearts of those who remember them.

The Legacy of the Third Kamikaze

The Third Kamikaze is remembered in Japan as a symbol of courage and sacrifice. The unit is seen as an example of how one should live a life of honor and devotion. The members of the Third Kamikaze are honored every year on the anniversary of the unit’s formation.

The legacy of the Third Kamikaze also lives on in popular culture. Movies, books, and video games have been made about the unit and its members. Even today, the pilots of the Third Kamikaze are remembered as heroes who gave their lives for their country.


The Third Kamikaze was a unique unit of the Japanese Navy during World War II. The unit was made up of volunteers who were willing to give their lives for the Emperor and the Empire. The Third Kamikaze used a type of suicide attack known as “Kamikaze”, sinking dozens of Allied ships and planes. The unit is remembered in Japan as a symbol of courage and sacrifice, and its legacy lives on in popular culture. The memories of the Third Kamikaze will live on in the hearts of those who remember them.